
The ultra-modern and high-tech cosmetology device was created in Japan and combines 6 functions of professional cosmetology equipment at once. Suitable for both home and professional use. Clione allows you to solve many problems that previously required a visit to a cosmetologist, prevent age-related changes and literally turn back time for your skin.


The effect of the device:

  • The skin is perfectly moisturized and shines, as after 8 hours of full sleep;
  • The tone of the face is leveled, a healthy blush appears;
  • Fine wrinkles, «crow's feet» around the eyes go away;
  • Nasolabial folds become less pronounced;
  • The contour of the face tightens, it becomes clearer;
  • Swelling and dark circles around the eyes go away;
  • Pigment spots disappear;
  • The device perfectly copes with acne, acne rash and inflammation;
  • It is recommended for the treatment of rosacea.

The regular use of CLIONE is a real and absolutely physiological alternative to injection mesotherapy, the use of fillers and botox, as well as surgical interventions such as blepharoplasty and circular facelift.


✓ Electroporation. The method of introducing collagen under the influence of electromagnetic pulses, allows you to suspend the aging process.

✓ Mesoporation. «Mesotherapy without a needle». Under the action of the current, the serum enriched with a cocktail of useful components gets into the deep layers of the skin (up to 4 mm deep), providing a powerful rejuvenating effect.

✓ Light therapy helps to cope with acne bacteria, disinfects the skin, evens out the tone and improves the color.

✓ Electrical muscle stimulation excellent elaboration of the muscular frame, improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, a noticeable lift-up effect;

✓ RF waves stimulate blood circulation in cells, improve metabolism;

✓ Medium frequency currents - this mode is used to work with pronounced age signs - deep wrinkles, creases, nasolabial folds. This mode is pluggable and can be used regardless of age, if it is necessary to cope with age-related changes.

Devices Clione

  • Manufactured in Japan and for several years in a row were recognized as the best cosmetology devices on the Japanese market.
  • They have been clinically tested and certified, have a manufacturer's warranty.
  • For 10 years of working with clients, we have not received a single negative feedback or a guaranteed refund.